reCAPTCHA is not an unknown name anymore. Today, reCAPTCHA is the most famous and widely used CAPTCHA system. It is widely used by over 789,000 websites alone in the US and nowadays Indian web developers have also started web development company using this on various websites. Google purchased this in 2009. By distinguishing between actual people and mechanical bots, this popular Google service safeguards various sites from abuses and any type of spam. To prevent automated software from engaging in harmful actions on any site, Google CAPTCHA utilizes a powerful risk checking engine and adaptive CAPTCHAs.
Although reCAPTCHA has numerous advantages, using it on your site also gives you some disadvantages. You have to know all the advantages as well as disadvantages of Google reCAPTCHA before using it on your site. By reading this article to the end, you can know all the advantages and disadvantages of Google CAPTCHA.
What Is Google reCAPTCHA?
Before discussing all the advantages and disadvantages of Google reCAPTCHA, let us tell you what a Google reCAPTCHA actually is.
Google reCAPTCHA is a free Google service and a well-known CAPTCHA system that can easily differentiate between human and automated access to websites. It can guard all kinds of websites from spam and abuse. In comparison to a typical CAPTCHA, which uses distorted text to differentiate between people and bots, reCAPTCHA is more efficient as it prevents bots from attacking any website by using quicker but safer verification processes.
Version 2 and version 3 of reCAPTCHA are the latest versions that are widely used by web developers nowadays as version 1 has shut down long ago and is not available right now. Although Google reCAPTCHA is becoming more and more famous nowadays, many people are still unaware of various advantages and disadvantages of using Google CAPTCHA on any website. This article is perfect for those who are unaware of the benefits and drawbacks of CAPTCHA as we are going to discuss all the benefits and drawbacks of using reCAPTCHA on your site.
Benefits of Google reCAPTCHA
1. Stop False Registration

Some companies sell their services online with forms that also let customers sign up for events or other signups. By cluttering the fields and creating various fake accounts, bots can target these forms. Bots won’t be able to create false accounts that will clog your system if you use Google reCAPTCHA on your website.
This will enable you to concentrate your efforts on real interactions that will enhance the user experience. This is one of the major benefits of using CAPTCHA on websites.
2. Avert Comment Spam

Malicious bots commonly target the comment section to possibly harm a website by spamming it with unsuitable or unwelcome words and adverts. So, when you are running a business website, you should focus on the comment section and try to avert all spams.
Although it is not so easy to check every comment for averting spam, including a reCAPTCHA in any component of your website that accepts comments, such as message board, blog, submission form, any others, will easily avert all comments spam and can save your time and hassle. This is another amazing benefit of Google CAPTCHA on websites.
3. Protects the Credibility of Online Polls
The use of reCAPTCHA verifications makes sure that no spambots or automated programmes are participating in or submitting answers to your polls. This will enable you to confirm that your poll’s outcomes are real and weren’t fabricated by a computer programme. This is another amazing benefit of using CAPTCHA on your site.
Drawbacks of Google reCAPTCHA
1. Makes the Website Slower

One of the major drawbacks of Google CAPTCHA is that it has a negative impact on website’s loading speed and makes the sites slower than before. If your site will load slowly, users jump to other sites for better results, therefore the bounce rate of your site will also increase. This is the main reason why many people do not want to employ Google reCAPTCHA on their websites.
2. Disrupt the User Experience
Earlier, Google CAPTCHAs was good for user experience. Google introduced a new version of reCAPTCHA that is extremely complicated and irritating for all the users of a site. As a result, the user experience of a website can become worse if you use it on your site. Hence, this is also a main drawback of Google CAPTCHA that decreases its popularity.
3. Not Totally Infallible Against Bots
Google reCAPTCHA is quite good at stopping bots and spammers, but it is not completely infallible against bots. More sophisticated bots, according to some experts, can easily harm text-based reCAPTCHAs. It means it is not the perfect solution for harmful bots. So, do not trust them completely when using them on your site. This is another disadvantage of Google CAPTCHA.
Final Thoughts
We hope that after knowing all the benefits and drawbacks of Google CAPTCHA, it may become easier for you to decide whether you should use Google CAPTCHA on your website or not for complete protection.
If you want a completely secured website for your business, you may contact DNG Web Developer, a renowned web development firm in Ahmedabad. Our expert web developers can assist you in maintaining the security and quality of your website.