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Category: Web Developer
Web Developer blogs and articles publish by top web developer of India. You can get all recent blogpost and articles about web developer. It is helpful blog for any website developer to gain knowledge about web developer and articles of web development in India
8 Coding Antipatterns Every Web Developer Should Avoid in Web Development Process
Here You will Learn All About Antipatterns. Also we Have Given 8 Coding antipatterns That every Web Developer Should Avoid In web Development Process.
How Can Hosting Server Helps to Website Loading Speed
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Web development life cycle with entire web development process
Know here what is a complete process of web development life cycle. Follow all given 7 stages of website development lifecycle for new methodology. Here we DNG web developer provide a complete guide if you want to create a scalable web application. Follow this full process of WDLC model.
How Landing Page Optimization Helps to Increase Quality of Website Page
Check here how landing page optimization helps to increase quality of website page. Know all tips about website’s landing page optimization and how it helps in more conversions for website. It helps to improve user experience to boost landing page for website. Get more tips for landing page optimization for website pages.
What you Need to Know About Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
Know everything about google’s accelerated mobile pages here. Here we provide all details om AMP for your consideration. Know here what is AMp and how the AMP landing pages works, what types of websites can use AMP landing pages and various benefits of Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP).
How to Develop a Colour Palette for Website Design
Know what is a colour palette for a website and how to develop it for better website designing. Check here why website colour palette is important for website design and how to pick a perfect colour palette for website design. Search here what to look for and how to utilise the best colour palette by developing your colour sence being best website designing company in India – DNG web developer.
8 Essential Key Points for Responsive Image Galleries for Websites
Know 8 key points of responsive image galleries for websites development. Importance of using responsive images in website development and design. A guide to responsive web design image gallery in website development.
Top 10 popular web development tools of 2021
List of top 10 most popular web development tools of 2021. Here we look at the best web development tools software covering everything from design and coding platforms. We offer best web development services in Ahmedabad.
What Is A Static Website Generator And How Useful It For Build A Website
What Is A Static Website Generator And How Useful It For Build A Website. Know here uses of static website generator. Learn more about how static website generator works and it is used.